Posts Tagged ‘monopolies’

Time Warner Cable Complaint

March 14, 2008
Time Warner Cable is putting new software on digital cable boxes nation wide. The new software is called Navigator. The existing software that it is replacing is called Passport. Navigator is not comparable to Passport. It is a “downgrade”. Some of the features that you will lose with this software are: the ability to search for a program by keyword, the ability to select the current program that you are watching on the guide to find out how many times it comes on again (you now have to maneuver through screens and type in the name of the program), and the ability to tell whether a program is new or a repeat on every program when you press the info button, just to name a few. Other issues include: the software does not rewind properly (it does not stop at the point shown on the screen), when you swap programs, it sometimes swaps to the wrong channel, sometimes if will not record the program that was programmed to record, the picture quality is poor and the backgroud of the guide is an unappealing shade of blue. Despite the fact that Navigator is not comparable to Passport, has less features, does not work properly and results in poor picture quality, Time Warner is trying to force this faulty software on customers because they don’t want to pay for the use of Passport, it has nothing to do with going to HD as they are trying to claim. They conducted trials on Navigator before they started rolling it out to customers and received negative responses and complaints. They ignored the complaints that they received from their trials, just as they are ignoring complaints from the customers who have had their boxes changed to this new software. Customers should band together to let Time Warner know that they cannot continue to ignore their customers and get away with it, that customers will not accept this poor customer service from their company. Call the presidential customer advocate number at the corporate office if you do not want this new Navigator software and want to keep Passport. Spread the word and give out the number: (203)328-0600, press 2 for the presidential customer service office.